Tuesday 15 September 2015

Cruisin' in the 60s

Rating: 5/5

A fantastic collection

This is a fantastic collection of 75 tracks from the early 60s. It has some very well-known tracks from people like The Everlys, Elvis and Roy Orbison, some real rarities and a lot of "oh yes, I remember that - it was great!" songs. Just a look down the track list on this page should be enough to persuade you that it's a terrific set, and a real bargain at this price. The digital transfers have been done very well and the sound quality is excellent (in that it reflects the quality of the original recordings closely).

It's a great listen. Personally I'm delighted to have things like Let's Go Tripping by Dick Dale (which always makes me think of the great John Peel), and the sensational version of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah by Bob B. Soxx & The Blue Jeans. You will have your own highlights, but any collection which features both Bobby Darin and John Lee Hooker gets my vote for its sheer uncritical joy in the music of the period.

This is just a great collection - it only takes a short blast from any of it to get me smiling and moving. Don't hesitate if you have any interest whatever in this period.

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