Saturday 9 June 2018

The Astronoauts - Competition Coupe

Rating: 4/5

Surprisingly good

This is surprisingly good.  I'd not come across The Astronauts before, but tried them because I was a sucker for surf music when I first heard it in the early 60s and still am.  I approached this with some scepticism, half expecting it to be sub-Beach-Boys rubbish, but although it's not in the Beach Boys/Jan & Dean class, it's very decently made and very enjoyable.

Obviously, surf music was concerned with three topics and three topics only: Surfing, Girls and Cars.  Competition Coupe is almost exclusively about cars, with the other two getting a peripheral look-in occasionally.  It's fun, with several direct references to other songs of the era; the title track (ironically, one of the weakest on the album) is obviously a challenge to Little Deuce Coupe, woodies (as revered in Surf City) are belittled and so on, and there's a wonderful bevy of familiar girls like Bony Moronie[1], Short Fat Fanny, Susie Q and the like in Our Car Club.  There's some genuine wit here and some enjoyable, slightly basic but well played music, too.  The instrumental tracks are all very decent, with strong echoes of The Shadows, The Champs, Duane Eddy…you get the idea.

Competition Coupe isn't a long-lost classic, but it's a very enjoyable album of fun surf music.  I was genuinely surprised by how much I liked it and I can recommend it.

[1]One of the great regrets of my life is that I never had a girl named either Bony Moronie or Ram-a-lam-a ding-dong.  I searched and searched, but amazingly never found one.

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